What’s at stake this November?

How did we get here?

This spring, after nearly a year of community feedback, the San Anselmo Town Council approved rent stabilization (rent control) to keep our neighbors in their homes. Out-of-town landlords then descended on San Anselmo, gathering signatures to challenge the new law. In response, the town council placed a just cause evictions law directly on the ballot so that both policies could be decided by the voters.  

Yes on O & N Control Protects San Anselmo Neighbors

  • Voting yes will keep rents manageable for San Anselmo families, while providing a fair return on investment for mom and pop landlords.

  • Just cause protections will guarantee that good tenants who follow the law won’t be treated or evicted unfairly.

  • The law only impacts triplexes and up, meaning duplexes, ADUs, JADUs, and single-family homes are exempt.

  • The law does not raise taxes for homeowners; it’s paid for by a small fee only on landlords.